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Sola Scriptura is a DISQUALIFYING Belief for Authentic Christianity.

I frequent a number of “Anti-Catholic” message boards, and have since I was a neophyte believer. I do it because it’s always good to stay ready and sharpened in your ability to give a defense of the faith – but also because it *is* missionary territory. Sometimes a “doozy” of a claim will come up, […]

Why Do Catholics Have Statues?

Imagine a soldier during WWII. His name is Steve. He’s in a foxhole, and in 45 seconds he and his fellow soldiers will be charging out of their foxhole, through a hail of gunfire, to the next trench. Undoubtedly, some of them won’t make it. In the final seconds before the charge, Steve reaches into […]

Protestant Scholars on Mt 16:16-19

Mt 16:16-1916 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.18 And I tell you, you are Peter (Pevtroß, or “petros”), and on this rock (pevtra, or “petra”) […]

“Where do you Catholics find Confession in the Bible?”

Jesus Grants Authority to Forgive Sins John 20:21 (RSV): Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” In this verse, Jesus conveys to his apostles that they are being sent forth in a similar manner as he was sent by the Father. Just […]

The Authority & Primacy of Peter in Scripture

Peter is always mentioned first. Matthew even calls him first (protos) when he was NOT the first one called. His brother Andrew first found Jesus and brought Simon and Jesus together. Summary of the Findings: These verses collectively underscore Peter’s primacy among the apostles in the New Testament. He is consistently named first in the […]

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Abortion: Why Pro-Life Men Have a Say

On Good Friday this year, I travelled to Columbia, Missouri to participate in a living Stations of the Cross outside the local Planned Parenthood and attend sidewalk counselors’ training shortly thereafter.  Except for a 12-year-old boy who was with his mother, I was the only male there.  After giving my introduction, the lady running the […]

Biblical Evidence that Mary DIDN’T Have Marital Relations With Joseph

Mary is Ever Virgin – In Scripture Exodus 13:2,12 – Jesus is sometimes referred to as the “first-born” son of Mary. But “first-born” is a common Jewish expression meaning the first child to open the womb. It has nothing to do the mother having future children. Exodus 34:20 – under the Mosaic law, the “first-born” […]

Fr. Baron on “Skyfall” and the Catholic Themes in James Bond

SPOILER ALERT Fr. Robert Barron takes some interesting points from the most recent James Bond flick, Skyfall.

So Long As They’re Dead…

Francis J. Beckwith describes the process of being invited, and then dis-invited, to write a piece in honor of a distinguished academic and evangelical friend for festschrift, which was being compiled by some folks in conjunction with the appropriately named Moody Publishers. Several days later, however, the editors informed me that the publisher had forced them […]

Method To The Madness

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Question with boldness even the existence of a God, for if there be one, He must approve more of the homage of reason than that of blind-folded fear.” This is the big mistake that I made after Life Teen. I wanted to grow and mature, but I didn’t know how. I spent so much time and […]

Is the Eucharist Just A Symbol? Does Scripture DISPROVE the Real Presence!?

Scripture I. Old Testament (a). Foreshadowing of the Eucharistic Sacrifice Gen. 14:18 – this is the first time that the word “priest” is used in Old Testament. Melchizedek is both a priest and a king and he offers a bread and wine sacrifice to God. Psalm 76:2 – Melchizedek is the king of Salem. Salem […]