Why do Catholics Worship Mary? (Or Do They?)

Why Don’t Catholics Have Bibles In Their Pews?

Biblical Evidence that Mary DIDN’T Have Marital Relations With Joseph

Mary is Ever Virgin – In Scripture Exodus 13:2,12 – Jesus is sometimes referred to as the “first-born” son of Mary. But “first-born” is a common Jewish expression meaning the first child to open the womb. It has nothing to do the mother having future children. Exodus 34:20 – under the Mosaic law, the “first-born” […]

Peter, Petros, Petra: Is Peter The Rock Upon Which Jesus Built His Church?

Is Easter Pagan?

Why The Catholic Church?

Can Atheists Be Saved? Did Pope Francis Just Say That?

Advent and Christmas Wisdom From G. K. Chesterton

Description Advent is upon us this evening, and one of my favorite companions in the last few years has been this book. Of course, one of my favorite mental companions in general has been Chesterton, and my favorite liturgical season is Advent, so this book has a lot going for it from the get-go. Features […]

Did you hear what Francis just said!?

  Sometimes HUMOR is the best solution.  From Jason Bach. (Click the image to enlarge)

Pope Francis, President Obama, and Social Justice

With all the talk during the Conclave about a pope from the United States, I’m sure President Obama breathed a sigh of relief when that did not happen, especially since Timothy Cardinal Dolan had given him more than a few headaches about his unconstitutional (and unjust) contraceptive coverage mandate.  I imagine he was also excited […]