How St. Patrick’s Mission Preserved Western Civilization – And What It Can Teach Us Today

The collapse of the Roman Empire. Germanic tribes sweeping across Europe. The loss of ancient knowledge. In the midst of it all, one former slave would change the course of history by converting Ireland to Christianity, ensuring the survival of Western civilization. This isn’t a fictional tale—this is the incredible true story of St. Patrick. […]

The Monk Who Defied a Dying World: How St. Benedict Saved the West

Full Name Benedict of Nursia Born c. 480 AD, Nursia (modern Norcia, Italy) Died c. 547 AD, Monte Cassino, Italy Feast Day July 11 (Catholic Church) Patron Saint Of Monks, Europe, students, farmers, against poison, among others Major Contribution Founded Benedictine monasticism; wrote the Rule of St. Benedict Place of Death Monte Cassino (monastery he […]

Sainthood: The Catholic Church’s Medal of Honor

Protestants mistake saintly intercession for worship.  They don’t understand that asking for the intercession of a saint is truly glorifying God by acknowledging their work for Him in their earthy lives.  Consider the Parable of The Sower and how much seed was sewn, but the rather small amount that bore fruit.  Now compare the United […]

True Lies and Beautiful [False] Attributions

“Preach the Gospel Always, And Put Words Into The Mouths Of Saints When Applicable.” One of my favorite quotes by St. Francis of Assisi is probably the only one you know.  “Preach the gospel always, use words [only] when necessary.”  I think it sums up a lot of the Christian ideal in many ways, particularly […]

First Knight: The Life and Legacy of Father Michael J. McGivney

Every now and then at Mass, the Knights of Columbus carry out a Fourth Degree Honor Guard.  You may occasionally see guys wearing a Knights of Columbus t-shirt or a lapel pin on their jacket.  In this, my first contribution to the Saints segment, I present their founder, Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney.  He may not […]

Levity in the Face of Adversity.

Today is the feast of John of the Cross. A mystic, his famous work is called “The Dark Night of the Soul,” and it speaks of that moment we all feel at times, when it feels as if we’re getting nowhere spiritually. If every time we prayed, we got happy feelings, we would begin to […]