One common objection to religious belief is that science can explain everything. Perhaps the most intense discourse today is between evolution and creation. Many militant atheists assume that we do not accept the facts of history and science, but this is false. The Church simply states that everything did not happen by accident; we are made in […]
The Unfitness of Ideas: Contraceptive Mentalities and Natural Selection
Before the Supreme Court this week will be the question of “same-sex marriage.” The potential for a Roe v. Wade category of decision making is certainly there: a decision that may echo in American discourse for the next few generations, much as Roe is still. A branch of the federal government, the SCOTUS, has […]
Young Earth Creationism vs. Old Earth Evolution: The Catholic Position.
God is Love. He perfect, omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnibenevolent (all good). Being Love in his very essence, he gives freely of himself to another, for the sake of the other, expecting nothing in return. God created us precisely because He is Love, and desired to share himself with us freely, expecting nothing in return. In those […]