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Sola Scriptura is a DISQUALIFYING Belief for Authentic Christianity.

I frequent a number of “Anti-Catholic” message boards, and have since I was a neophyte believer. I do it because it’s always good to stay ready and sharpened in your ability to give a defense of the faith – but also because it *is* missionary territory. Sometimes a “doozy” of a claim will come up, […]

Why Do Catholics Have Statues?

Imagine a soldier during WWII. His name is Steve. He’s in a foxhole, and in 45 seconds he and his fellow soldiers will be charging out of their foxhole, through a hail of gunfire, to the next trench. Undoubtedly, some of them won’t make it. In the final seconds before the charge, Steve reaches into […]

Protestant Scholars on Mt 16:16-19

Mt 16:16-1916 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.18 And I tell you, you are Peter (Pevtroß, or “petros”), and on this rock (pevtra, or “petra”) […]

“Where do you Catholics find Confession in the Bible?”

Jesus Grants Authority to Forgive Sins John 20:21 (RSV): Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” In this verse, Jesus conveys to his apostles that they are being sent forth in a similar manner as he was sent by the Father. Just […]

The Authority & Primacy of Peter in Scripture

Peter is always mentioned first. Matthew even calls him first (protos) when he was NOT the first one called. His brother Andrew first found Jesus and brought Simon and Jesus together. Summary of the Findings: These verses collectively underscore Peter’s primacy among the apostles in the New Testament. He is consistently named first in the […]

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The End of the Schism? Constantinople Patriarch First to Attend Papal Inaugural Mass in 1000 years! declares that Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople will attend the inaugural mass of Pope Francis.  This is absolutely historic, as it hasn’t happened in nearly a millennium! Catholic/Orthodox relations have been steadily improving since Vatican II, and in recent years, Popes like John Paul II and Benedict XVI have placed a heavy emphasis on ecumenical dialogue with […]

Good Book: If Protestantism is True: The Reformati

Good Book: If Protestantism is True: The Reformation Meets Rome was listed on Amazon for $9.99, selling for $8.99 USD brand new. Manufactured by Unitatis Books. There are 25 units left brand new. If you prefer this product in used condition, there are 20 left on Amazon starting at $7.28.What if Protestantism were true? That’s […]

When Is It Okay To “Draw The Line”?

This post began with a friend of mine who has recently cut ties with somebody who has caused her pain for her entire life.  Her “VERY Christian mother” has called her “cold-hearted” and “evil” for this.  She also revealed that her mother continuously helps people who have repeatedly hurt their family, knowing that this will be the result.  She is “absolutely miserable” doing […]

Catholic Q&A: Why Bother Being Catholic

The following question was forwarded to me by a priest friend of mine. Q:  Obviously, Catholics believe it to turn to body and blood. . . .  However . . . what difference does it make?  . . . If non-Catholics can make it to heaven without eating the bread of life [which we believe], then […]

Not FARce From The Truth: 8th-Grade Health Class Squirms Throughout Entire Screening Of ‘Miracle Of Abortion’

The following post from the Onion warranted a re-printing: CANTON, MI—According to sources at Thomas E. Dewey Middle School, all 26 students in Mrs. Flannery’s fifth-period health class squirmed uncomfortably and grimaced in disgust Thursday throughout the screening of a 45-minute educational video titled The Miracle Of Abortion. Sources reported that the film, which uses […]

“Hallowed Be Thy Name”: Reverence and Respect for God’s Name

I’ll establish some light-hearted context by noting a few of my pet peeves with grammar and punctuation.  1) I can’t stand when people mix “your” and “you’re” up.  2) If you want to make something plural, even if it’s an acronym, you DON’T put an apostrophe, i.e., you wouldn’t write “We should go get a few beer’s tonight.”  […]