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March 25: The Solemnity of the Annunciation, The Date on Which Jesus (May Have) Died, and… and Tolkien Reading Day?

And somehow, J.R.R. Tolkien—who deliberately scheduled the destruction of the One Ring on this exact date—understood this profound connection better than most modern believers.Today, we’re connecting these threads across faith, history, and fantasy to reveal why March 25th might be the most profound date you’ve never thought twice about. For the early Church, determining the […]

How St. Patrick’s Mission Preserved Western Civilization – And What It Can Teach Us Today

The collapse of the Roman Empire. Germanic tribes sweeping across Europe. The loss of ancient knowledge. In the midst of it all, one former slave would change the course of history by converting Ireland to Christianity, ensuring the survival of Western civilization. This isn’t a fictional tale—this is the incredible true story of St. Patrick. […]

The Monk Who Defied a Dying World: How St. Benedict Saved the West

Full Name Benedict of Nursia Born c. 480 AD, Nursia (modern Norcia, Italy) Died c. 547 AD, Monte Cassino, Italy Feast Day July 11 (Catholic Church) Patron Saint Of Monks, Europe, students, farmers, against poison, among others Major Contribution Founded Benedictine monasticism; wrote the Rule of St. Benedict Place of Death Monte Cassino (monastery he […]

Sola Scriptura is a DISQUALIFYING Belief for Authentic Christianity.

I frequent a number of “Anti-Catholic” message boards, and have since I was a neophyte believer. I do it because it’s always good to stay ready and sharpened in your ability to give a defense of the faith – but also because it *is* missionary territory. Sometimes a “doozy” of a claim will come up, […]

Why Do Catholics Have Statues?

Imagine a soldier during WWII. His name is Steve. He’s in a foxhole, and in 45 seconds he and his fellow soldiers will be charging out of their foxhole, through a hail of gunfire, to the next trench. Undoubtedly, some of them won’t make it. In the final seconds before the charge, Steve reaches into […]

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Staring Into History: Finding the Beauty of Catholic Teachings in The Stars

In my fifth grade science class, we learned about “light pollution.”  It didn’t make sense until seven years later when I left for college.  I visited home one weekend and went to a friend’s house and finally understood the “light pollution” that my science teacher had talked about years earlier.  I’d become so used to […]

Charismatic Gifts and Spiritual Maturity

Patrick shared an encounter that he had with a retreat group purporting to be a charismatic group, and the leader of which insinuated that to not pray “in the spirit” is to not pray at all.  Naturally, Pat was offended.  We went back and fourth discussing his piece, and I encouraged him to do his […]

How St. Patrick’s Mission Preserved Western Civilization – And What It Can Teach Us Today

The collapse of the Roman Empire. Germanic tribes sweeping across Europe. The loss of ancient knowledge. In the midst of it all, one former slave would change the course of history by converting Ireland to Christianity, ensuring the survival of Western civilization. This isn’t a fictional tale—this is the incredible true story of St. Patrick. […]

Q: Should women cover their heads in church and where did that tradition come from? Is this practice even appropriate?

A: The tradition of head coverings for women has its roots in St. Paul, who writes both that women ought to pray with their heads covered, and men with their heads uncovered, owing to the very imagery of our bodies as images of Christ and the Church (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:2ff).  As late as the […]

A Confession Reflection for the Season that is Lenten

I spoke in my previous entry about Pope Francis’ enthusiasm for the Sacrament of Confession.  According to Catholic Radio, he decided to pursue his vocation to the priesthood while attending Confession. The majority of Catholics rarely, if ever attend Confession, a sacrament about which I am very passionate.  In a shared objection with non-Catholics, many disagree […]

Why Don’t Catholics Have Bibles In Their Pews?